0.1 Download this (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?dmleda6v0rkfwje) hacker file
0.2 Download x-plore from here (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?uqy09ipwimobbbb)
For all Symbian Phones Hacking with Trend Micro Mobile Security Anti-Virus
1. Unpack Quarantine archive to C drive. Use X-Plore. You should get
C: mquarantine\ path.
2. Install Anti-Virus (Trend micro Mobile Security)
3. Launch Anti-Virus
4. Go to Options - Quarantine list
5. Do Options - MARK ALL and Restore at all files (important step)
6. Close Anti-Virus and delete it.
7. Install RomPatcher+
8. Launch RomPatcher+ and apply patches: - Open4all for access to all folders - Installserver for installing any unsigned apps (if red cross go here) If need do Options - Add to auto at patches you need to autostart on phone boot.
Phone hacked =)
Tested with Nokia 5800 XM, Nokia 5233 & Nokia N8